Thursday, January 24, 2008

Its my birthday

Today was cold and rainy. A favorite weather system of mine down here in California. Gives me a chance to bundle up and think slightly melancholy thoughts about the past and future. I rode the street car to work, and walked the last half mile. Its a slow process, but it means I can attempt to read whatever text I can get my hands on. Today that meant the SF Chronicle and The Onion. Walking the last bit, the rain was cold on my thinning head, which I guess, is the price I have to pay for turning 27.

Last night I got your wonderful presents in the mail. I haven't yet sat down with the book, tomorrow might be a good day. I'm excited to see what it has to say about our chosen construction method. The nail bag on the other hand, I put to use right away. I've been going to a music night at some friends' house, and the bag was perfect for my harmonicas. Of course, I was laughed off the proverbial stage, but hey, sometimes
thats a success in itself too. I'm sure the bag will be less humorous in its intended use, but surely no less helpful!

After work
Jana and I went to a fancy restaurant called "Destino." The food was excellent, the price not exorbitant, and the walk home quite refreshing. Jana however, as you can see from the picture upper left, didn't last long after we got home. Out like a light I believe, is what they call that.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Its late

Its late and I'm still at work. I'm behind on my tasks, but catching up slowly. Most of the things I spend time on here are very tedious. My job description seems to consist of, have clever, neat ideas, then create incredibly tedious ways to implement them. Get bogged down with tedium. Repeat.

Anyhow, its not all that bad. But I can appreciate the appeal of the deckhand work on days like today. It looked nice out the window too. Blustery, a hint of rain, and a lot of birds. I think the herring might have all swum under the bridge at once maybe. I've been seeing the drift net boats out and about lately.

That's the last commercial fishery that happens inside the bay anymore. All the boats look pretty decrepit too.

Well, its time to catch the bus home. Probably should have ridden my bike. It would have been a quicker trip, if colder.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

well, grandad

This is my clever new idea for how to communicate with you. I know, I know, its on the computer. It'll probably be hard to print out too, but I figure that it might be fun for you to have something to check on the internet. You and lou can fight over who gets to check their email first in the mornings!

Not really though, since the idea here is that you don't have to have an email account, or sign in to anything, or anything too confusing or complicated. That can come later, if you feel like playing...

Just have lou make a bookmark, for the following address:

click on the bookmark and you'll be at this page, which will update with my activities, incredibly deep thoughts, and cute pictures.

whaddaya say?

yr grandson,
